02-04-21 This project was a collaboration with Yasmine Essanoussi, Koen van der Waal, David Verhoef, Sharon Kunne and Valentine Steenbergen.This project was the result of Project Context at HKU. I am responsible for all of the coding, and pitched the original concept that was the base for this experience.
The assignment was to design an interactive experience to be part of the introduction week for new students at the Games & Interaction Study at HKU. Thanks to the lockdown and covid measures it was to be an ‘online-first’ experience that new students could partake in even if physical education wasn’t possible in September. The client wanted the experience to create a sense of community among the new students, and to introduce them to what it meant to be a designer.
During Monstermash, students will be divided into groups, and challenged to design a monster. This monster will have to fight the monsters designed by other groups. The groups can buy upgrades for their monsters by spending coins. These coins can be earned by completing challenges that test the design & collaboration skills of the groups.
The monsters designed by participants are sent to the organizers through Discord, who can easily put them in a folder from where the game can read the files, and implement the monster sprites and their abilities.